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centromere protein造句

"centromere protein"是什么意思  
  • In humans, centromere protein B is encoded by the CENPB gene.
  • Centromere protein B is a highly conserved protein that facilitates centromere formation.
  • The constitutive proteins include CENPA ( centromere protein A ), CENPD.
  • The inner centromere proteins ( INCENPs ),
  • Overexpression of CENPA and CENPH ( centromere protein H ) is also associated with colorectal cancer.
  • The CENPA gene encodes a centromere protein which contains a histone H3 related histone fold domain that is required for targeting to the centromere.
  • At the same time that mitotic checkpoint complex is being activated, the centromere protein CENP-E activates BUBR1, which also blocks anaphase.
  • "' Centromere protein B "'also known as "'major centromere autoantigen B "'is an autoantigen protein of the cell nucleus.
  • In mammalian cells, two broad groups of centromere-interacting proteins have been described : constitutively binding centromere proteins and'passenger'( or transiently interacting ) proteins.
  • Localization of Aurora B to the centromere during prometaphase and metaphase requires phosphorylation of the mammalian kinetochore-specific histone-H3 variant centromere protein A ( CENP-A ).
  • It's difficult to see centromere protein in a sentence. 用centromere protein造句挺难的
  • "All " centromeres are associated with centromere protein A ( CENPA ) .  this is the simplest model and much is still unknown about the composition of CENPA nucleosomes.
  • Intriguingly, expression of a dominant-negative and catalytically inactive form of Aurora B disrupted microtuble attachment to the kinetochore and prevented the association of dynein and centromere protein E ( CENP-E ) with kinetochores.
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